Press Release

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Qualified Federal Government Vendor for



TSPS Solutions


Pro Serve


+1 613 435 0808


Suite 100

52 Cambior Crescent


July 12, 2013


The Thinkpoint Group is pleased to announced its recent acquisition of the assets of Acquium Inc., an established Public Sector service vendor.


The mission remains to become a leading supplier of Business Advisory and Financial Performance consulting services and the acquisition of Acquium brings us one step closer to this goal.


“The acquisition of Acquium brings the ThinkPoint Group key contracts and customer experiences that propels our Public Sector go-to-market strategy forward significantly” says Erika Schom, CEO of ThinkPoint.  “Our shareholders are pleased to see the continuance of Acquium and have complete confidence that the ThinkPoint Group will return value to their shareholders from this deal” says Howard Nadler, the president of Acquium.


As you know the ThinkPoint Group has been emerging as a niche supplier in the financial services and health care sector, and market demand has now brought us into the public sector with full force. Currently servicing Ottawa and North East U.S. markets, this piece of the puzzle will escalate our growth in the heart of the National Capital region allowing us to open more service lines with greater market reach.


If you have any questions or comments please contact Erika Schom or your sales representative.


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